The Adelphi Hotel is a landmark boutique hotel located in the heart of Saratoga Springs, New York.
Originally built in 1877, the hotel underwent a $34 million renovation and upgrade, and reopened in 2017.
The Adelphi Hotel engaged Rubenstein Public Relations in the summer of 2015 to increase the hotel’s profile throughout the renovation and leading up to the reopening. Through pitching compelling story angles that leveraged the luxury hotel’s historical legacy, RPR generated coverage in New York Real Estate Journal, The Daily Gazette, Saratoga News, Interiors & Sources, Albany Times Union, The Luxury Editor, and Albany Business Review, among many others. RPR also worked to announce The Adelphi Hotel’s first project, the restaurant Salt & Char. This luxury steakhouse opened in spring 2016 and offers a dining experience on par with those of the finest steak restaurants in the United States. RPR secured stand-alone features and mentions of Salt & Char in New York Times, Forbes, New York Magazine Grub Street, Saratoga Living, The Boston Globe, Hotel Designs, The Saratogian, Times Union, Bloomberg, Thrillist, Urban Daddy, Eater, Albany Business Review, FSR, Gotham Magazine, and Examiner, among many others.
Rubenstein Public Relations (RPR) is an award-winning, full-service communications agency based in New York that specializes in media relations, executive leadership, and brand building.