Publishing a book is one of the most definitive methods of establishing an individual as a prominent industry leader and authoritative voice.
Rubenstein Public Relations has advised and assisted numerous CEOs, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs in writing their own books, which can be a powerful vehicle for generating media coverage and building brand awareness.
We advise on the concept and contents of the book identify a ghostwriter if needed, and help find a publisher. We handle all the publicity related to the book publishing, including media mailings, book reviews, launch parties, book signings, readings, interviews, media tours, and celebrity endorsements.
When clients come to Rubenstein Public Relations, they encounter a tireless advocate on their behalf. We devote all our energies to helping them achieve their public relations goals. Our first task is to determine a client’s branding and publicity needs. After this initial phase, we will submit a detailed campaign for their review. Together, we will refine objectives, media outlets, key visual and verbal messages, as well as overall strategy.
Rubenstein Public Relations (RPR) is an award-winning, full-service communications agency based in New York that specializes in media relations, executive leadership, and brand building.