Our Services

Media Training

Media Training

In addition to securing media opportunities for clients, RPR conducts media training sessions for c-suite executives to enhance their communications skills and for press interviews. We offer packages with varied levels of training and message development tailored to our clients’ specific needs, timing, and budget.

During an initial session, RPR works with executives to assess their current skills and outline the best approach and messaging to be used when speaking with reporters.

We coach executives on everything they need to know to feel comfortable and prepared for their interview – from how to dress and where to look when on-camera, to gauging the interviewer and regaining control of a conversation that has gone off-topic.  We place a strong emphasis on how to deliver key messaging.

Our team conducts mock interviews to practice these strategies and ensure executives are comfortable with their messaging and body language, as well as poised to respond to difficult questions and bridging a negative conversation back to their main subject. We also offer the option to record these interviews so our clients can watch how they will appear on camera to further refine their interviewing skills.

At the end of these sessions, RPR provides an evaluation of the client’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as video files of the mock interviews. After an interview takes place, we also hold post-interview sessions to further review their message delivery, control over the interview, eye contact, and other areas to focus on for future interviews.

We can conduct as many media training sessions as necessary to continue preparing company executives for interviews and developing their media and communications skills.

When clients come to Rubenstein Public Relations, they encounter a tireless advocate on their behalf. We devote all our energies to helping them achieve their public relations goals. Our first task is to determine a client’s branding and publicity needs. After this initial phase, we will submit a detailed campaign for their review. Together, we will refine objectives, media outlets, key visual and verbal messages, as well as overall strategy.